Friday, February 29, 2008

best little secret in Texas!

Y'all you need to check out this little conference that happens every June in Dallas. I went last summer and was blown away. I met nationally known writers, artists, musicians, and speakers. Go to: Trinity Arts Conference and take a look at the line up this year. You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

spiritual bulimia

Quote from Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne.

"I developed a common illness that haunts Western Christianity. I call it spiritual bulimia. Bulimia of course, is a tragic eating disorder....where folks consume large amounts of food but vomit it up before it has a chance to digest.

I developed the spiritual form of it where I did my devotions, read all the new Christian books and saw the Christian movies, and then vomited the information up to friends, small groups, and pastors. But it had never had the chance to digest. I had gorged myself on all the products of the Christian industrial complex but was spiritually starving to death. I was marked by an overconsumptive but malnourished spirituality, suffocated by Christianity but thirsty for God.

It was Mark Twain who said, 'It's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that scare me, but the parts I do understand.'....For me it became hard to read the Bible and walk away as if I had just watched a nice movie. Jesus never seemed to do anything normal......The more I read the gospel the more it messed me up, turning everything I believed and valued upside-down...." (p39-40)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

it's all about relationships...

So here I am....a minister having served the church for 20 years. What I have discovered in this time is that most people are members of the church because of the relationships they have established with other people.

Yes, God has called us to live in community, in relationship with us.

The other thing I have and am learning is that many people who have been members of the church for quite some time have relationships with other members in the church but don't have a clue about the details of their lives.....the brokenness, pain, fear, struggle that the other has and is enduring.

Relationships without the presence or possibility of transformation really means very little. Without the ingredient of transformation church might as well be a Lion's Club or a PTA. In fact many criticize the church for this very reason.

I don't know the brokenness of many, though I know none of us can live life without being broken in some manner. He rejects God's gift for transformation too afraid to let his brokenness known.

I met an artist...

Meet Carol Fleming. I met her this past weekend at a Spiritual Retreat. Carol is truly an amazing woman. She is deaf. She reads your lips and knows everything you say. Let me tell you something to read the lips of Texans has to be a chore. Some of people down this way barely move their lips when they speak.

Carol shared not only her art but her faith. take a moment and look at the art of this spectacular woman.

I'm adding her to my permanent favorites on my side bar.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

saint obama?

Will he be our political savior in 2008?

Monday, February 18, 2008

one funny chic in a habit!

Last Saturday night we went to the local Arts Center for Late Night Catechism. this is one funny nun! What a fun, fun evening! My wife and I got called down to the front of the class three times! I was the first to be called on. I raised my hand when asked if anyone knew what the stigmata meant. I answered correctly. That's when the nun asked my first name. I told her. Then she asked what my middle name was. I answered Blake. She pondered this and quipped, "Well, dear that is a pagan name." Then she asked what my confirmation name was. My wife hit me on the arm and told me to tell her Peter. I did. Ms. Nun sensed my hesitation and asked, "Are you telling me the truth?" I told her I was not. She then told me I owed her $5 for impersonating a Catholic!

My wife was next. When the nun asked who Cain and Abel had married my wife yelled out Thelma and Louise! Ms. Nun asked who had yelled out an answer without raising their hand. She eventually figured out it was my wife. Nun said, "Oh, the Presbyterian's wife.....figures." My wife had to pay three dollars!

Others in the theater had to pay fines for being late or out of order. In the end we were told that the money raised helped to support nuns who had been left penniless because of a decision made during Vatican 2. The Catholic church opted out of Social Security. Thanks to the traveling show, Late Night Catechism many stranded nuns are being taken care of. Over one million dollars has been raised by this funny, funny traveling show. This nun almost makes you want to become Catholic.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

more Jesus art for Lent...



belt buckles...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The good, bad and the ugly. Jesus Art for Lent.

ancient art from the catacombs.

Art I happen to like...

4 examples of an American

Commercialization of our Lord and Savior...

Jesus in the eyes of a child...

this one is just funny...

Jesus in modern art...

Friday, February 15, 2008

a plan for the church...

If you haven't read the children's book Nicole's should. All the pondering in the world will not come up with the simple truth this book has to offer.

Nicole is in a small boat. She floats along the river and comes across some cows. The cows ask if they can come along. Nicole says sure....but what will you bring to make the boat better. They bring flowers from the pasture to make rope that will help the sails.

The story proceeds in this manner until all in the boat have brought something to make the boat better......and the end of the story......the boat gets where it supposed to get!

What would happen if everyone in the church.....when they showed up......brought something to make the church better? Do you think the church would get where it is supposed to get?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

an idea...not original to me...but works.

How do allow younger people in the church to participate? Sadly, younger people in the church often means people in their 40's! This idea worked in one church:

Scenario: An outreach/mission committee frets over the fact that no one wants to help with thier work.

Commentary: The committee spends more time fretting than asking others to participate. And the key word above is "their". It is their work!

Idea that works: Children and the youth can be the avenue to getting younger and middle age adults involved in a hands on way. Here's the proven plan:

The Outreach/Mission committee hands over 500 to 1000 dollars to the children and youth Sunday School classes with the challenge that the class do two things. Grow their money and determine how the money will be spent to help other people.

Specifics: We gave each class cash money! Some of the children had never touched 100 dollar bills. They were amazed. We gave them their challenge.

Results: Guess what happens when children and youth begin to brainstorm mission. Their parents and other members in the church get involved. The children and the youth figured out ways to grow their money. Funny thing.......adults go hog wild over young people who desire to to serve others. The $1000 initial investment grew into almost $4000!

This idea generated interest, and inspired new people to participate in mission.

And think.....the Outreach Ministry has had this idea for three years and they've offered these excuses:

1. How do you know that it works? I tell them. Don't trust me.
2. We'll look at the idea. Almost a year passes, no response.

Some in the church are not interested in getting young people involved.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

and they gave the pastor a shotgun during worship...

5 dead in strip mall shooting; gunman at large

BREAKING NEWS: Shooting near Prescott mall; one officer involved

Gunman Kills Eight, Then Himself, at Omaha Shopping Mall

US gunman kills five at city council meeting: police

Police: Masked Gunman Kills Veteran Oakland Journalist

How many more of these headlines will it take for our country to come to terms with the fact that current gun control laws are not effective and need improving? How many more people will have to die?

There are many churches in our country who have posted notices on their doors that fire arms are not allowed on church property. It seems a simple request does it not? Not long ago in our neighborhood a gun mis-fired in a synagogue sticking a young girl. She did not die, thank God. But the incident caused the synagogue leaders to take action.

Guns in the church? It seems a logical thing that guns have no place in the church.....and yet on a day of celebration they honored one of their ministers with the presentation of a shotgun in the sanctuary.....during worship?

Did anyone think this one through? I can't imagine a young child in the pews looking up to see his/her minister holding a shotgun. What about the person sitting in the sanctuary who has lost a loved one because of gunfire? Who thought that bringing a shotgun into the sanctuary for any reason at all would be acceptable? God! They gave one of their ministers a shotgun during worship!
This is about one of the most stupid things I have heard of. Nothing to laugh about this time!

Friday, February 8, 2008

history coming alive.

In the 1940's my grandfather, Louie M. Weisinger, owned a Pontiac dealership in downtown Conroe, Texas. He went out of business long before I was born yet the building that held his shiny new vehicles still stands. My parents would drive me by the place while growing up. The building is not that elaborate, but it has lasted the times! The building was not designed by an architect but it still is sturdy.

My grandmother, Mary E. Weisinger, designed the buildings. She sketched out the design on napkins and paper. She told me her favorite part of the design were the curved glass block windows on each corner of the building. The front entrance has a bit of flare too. It's the typical art deco style.

I received a newspaper article in the mail today. My mother cut out the story. My grandmother would get such a hoot out of the plans that are coming to life. The city is transforming her old building into a new Theater center!

Unfortunately the name of the theater will not share my grandparents story. So happens a long time lawyer who has a knack for raising money will get his name permanently plastered on the very bricks my grandparents paid to erect. Oh well....I know the story. And I plan to sit in that theater one day in honor of my Nana and PawPaw!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

what is a DR. to do?

What is our poor, poor DOCTOR to do? Dr. Dobson - conservative evangelical, Focus on the Family guru stated yesterday that he might as well not vote this coming election. Wow! Does this mean the end to the choke hold evangelical America has had on our country? Does this mean the end to a Christianity that chooses to terrorize people into faith? Does this mean the end to......?

This is my prayer.....that the reign of Dr. Dobson and others such as him has ended allowing a faith of compassion, intelligence, and imagination to emerge!

Poor Dr. Dobson. He's going to take his toys home because he doesn't like who is playing!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

will there be a church as we know it in the future?

A "twenty-something" woman talked to my Doctor of Ministry class. She was dynamic, energetic, and captivating. She sings with the band Addison Road. She shared with our class the perspectives of 20 year olds. Here are some snippits:

Church as we know may not exist in the future if this generation has anything to do with it. She said the Acts church will be more the form. Buildings will be obsolete. So what will happen to all our buildings? That I would like to know from you. What do you think?

She said some things that I have been preaching:

1. Young Adults want authentic experiences. Don't want to write a check....want to go to Africa etc.

2. Young Adults will fulfill their spiritual needs in a variety of places....not just church.

3. Young Adults are determined to make a difference.....for example the effort to end poverty.

I wonder if we can inspire the church to allow young adults to fill our buildings and programs. It takes listening and the willingness to set aside our long held convictions. What do you think?

Monday, February 4, 2008

between the trees...

I spent last weekend out of the pulpit again. This weekend I was with 700 youth at Austin College for the winter Presbytery conference. The theme of the conference was "Between the Trees". We looked at the bookends of God's kingdom....the tree of life in the Garden of Eden and the tree in the fulfilled heaven in Revelation.

These two trees represent God's promise behind us and before us. We live life in between the promise of these two trees. However, we don't live on our own....God promises to be with us in this life between the two trees. God also gives us each other for support and love.

What a great conference. Both my daughter and son attended.

My son met a girl. That's what happens at these kinds of events. But this story is pretty good. Listen up....

My son is bi-racial.....Greek and African American. He was walking with a young woman and we met in the hall. He told her that I was his Dad. She said, "That's not your Dad." I get the comment all the time. I am English/Irish....white.....really white! My son told her, "Yes, he is." I told her that he was adopted.

They go off to talk. He finds out that she is adopted. She is also bi-racial. She also lives with an Anglo family with the same last NAME!

Now that's a story!

Life between the trees!

Friday, February 1, 2008

now you have eco palms....order your cascarones!

Do you know what a cascarone is? A cascarone is a confetti filled egg. We used to live in San Antonio and around Easter time cascarone vender's could be found all over the city. If you don't live in an area that knows anything about cascarones then take a look at this STORE and order your cascarones for Easter.

Here is the deal. Stuffy church members will not like cascarones....they make a mess. But y'all that is the point. Crack your cascarones outside. Let the confetti stay on the ground. The point is that the confetti will remind your church members of the Easter joy.

There are important things to know about cracking a cascarone on someones head. Crack the egg a bit and then smush it on the head of a friend!

We've been teaching our North Dallas folks the joy of cascarones! Atleast the children and youth love them. Some of the adults do too.

eco is time to order!

One of the best ministries in a very long time. Order eco palms for your Palm Sunday worship service. Don't spend your dollars with the florist.....spend your dollars where they help the actual people who harvest! Take a look at this website and order by February 20th!