Tuesday, September 1, 2009

change cometh no matter what...

Why do so many churches and her members resist change?

Is it really possible to not change?
I'll help you with the answer:
It's not possible. Change happens even when we refuse to consider new ways of living.

Even when a person or a group refuses to make changes....change comes.

I wonder if we are living in the generation that will kill the church?

"I don't want to change", we say. "I like it just the way it is." "We have everything we need."

In the same breath we can't get past the fact that membership continues to decline. We fail to involve youth and young adults making matters worse. (Atleast this is the story of many of our churches in the former Mainline traditions.)

We have it in our heads that the younger generations are failures for not having strong enough faith to be active in the church....and yet we refuse to change our schedules, and ways of doing things to provide the possibility for participation of youth and young adults. We are not willing to let go of old models for ministry. And often we are too tired, too busy, too..........you fill in the blank.

This afternoon I read that the Dead Sea is dead becuase it does not have any outflow...no outlet to let what comes in get out.

The same with the church.....when there is no outlet....no output....no looking outside herself....no reaching out.....the church dies.

I drove by a church yesterday that has a good amount of money in the bank....but no steady pastor and very little growth. I hear the members don't want a steady minister....that they are happy with the way things are.

I wonder if the person who left the church money would be pleased that the church is using the gift to just keep the doors open and not much more.

Certainly this is not a Biblical concept. God gifts us with the calling to live and share the good story. God longs for us to use the gifts we have. God waits for us to take risks and to reach out in new ways.

Change comes no matter what.

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