Sunday, June 8, 2008

Milagros....little miracles

When living in San Antonio I learned of the milagro (little miracle)....a tradition steeped in prayer. Above is a photo of milagros.

The idea is this. If a loved one of mine has a leg problem, then I purchase a leg milagro. I hold it as I pray. I can also leave it at the church after I pray. There are also many beautiful handmade crosses encrusted with milagros.

Praying in this manner is not typical for a Presbyterian. However, learning of the milagro has opened my eyes and heart to the fact that little miracles do happen in life.

I experienced a series of little miracles today.

Presbyterian Sessions (governing body of a local congregation) are not typically known for innovation and change. I've said recently that in my experience in the church I have found that most people are not willing to stand up and say "no" when they know full well a person is not suited for a particular job in the church, such as teacher, elder, or chairperson of a committee. However, when a perfectly good idea is put on the table....and idea that can bring new life to a church numbers of people stand up and voice a resounding "no".

Though I keep offering ideas, I have come to expect a "no" to most of the ideas.

Today was different. They said yes.

They said yes. I'm in a bit of shock....but overjoyed.....and a bit nervous....because now I have to make the idea come alive.

We are moving Children's Sunday School to Sunday Afternoon. The main purpose is to attract youth and adult volunteers to work and learn alongside our children. The Session also voted to move in the direction of creating a Music Ministry. I doesn't sound that radical but it is! A Music Ministry (Committee) will be charged to provide Educational and Mission components using music. We will have to re-arrange a significant amount of money in the 2009 budget. These changes will cause a trickle down of many other changes.

In short, today was not only a series of little was a day of a BIG MIRACLE!

They said yes!

1 comment:

Mom&more said...

Presbyterian Sessions (governing body of a local congregation) are not typically known for innovation and change.

This made me laugh.