Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the church is like a fly

Another lesson from the Rabbi. A fly has an eye. A fly has an eye with many eyes. A fly can see to the front, up, down, behind and to the side. A fly has an eye. But what happens to a fly when into a window a fly flies ? A fly has an eye and can see through the window, behind and above and to the side. A fly has an eye, but what good is a fly's eye if the fly's eye cannot see the glass?

Have you ever watched a fly try to get through a closed window. I've watched a fly try. Flies don't give up. Flies try and try and try, many times until they die. Why?

If the church is like a fly then what can we learn?

Like a fly the church often tries and tries. Like a fly trying to get through the glass of a closed window, the church does not always see what is in plain view. Like a fly, the church will try and try....the very same way.....over and over and over and over and over again.

My wife remembers hearing in Clinical Pastoral Education during Seminary. Try means fail. In other words, no matter how hard the fly tries to get through the glass the fly fails in the end.

The church is like a fly. Why?

Why does the church keep asking the very same questions over and over and over again?

The time has come to ask a new question. Perhaps then and only then the church will cease to be like a fly. Though flies have eyes they don't always see what is right in front of them.

The church is like a fly. Why?

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