Thursday, February 23, 2012

resting at the edge of tennessee

this is the view from
my friends front porch

i'm here on the edge of 
one state
to the edge of another 
state where i will 
be living...
making my home
near the edge 
of the 
atlantic ocean. 

driving to the edge 
allows one to reflect.

i've learned these past two years.
i've learned from the people who 
deeply embraced me
and from those who
pushed me away.

i've learned that 
seeking harmony 
maintaining harmony
bowing to the needs of others 
who demand harmony at all costs
ends up costing...
it cost me
and thus 
i learned.   

thank GOD
i learned.

but not all of my reflection 
was about what i learned...
it was also about 
what i received...

i received 

so i go to the edge 
of the country
my mind and my heart.


Thom said...

How can my heart feel full and hurt at the same time?'s because it has been worked to make it more perfect by someone who has taught me to be strong when scared.

Katherine said...

Glad you enjoyed our scenery. G-d's blessings on this new phase of your journey. I will miss you!!! You have always been a blessing to me over the past 29 years!

Jennifer said...

I was excited to learn of your new call. I was the interim pastor at PPC in the early 90s after a long-term pastorate. What a wonderful, dear congregation will have the pleasure of serving with you! Give my best to all who might remember me and may you find great joy in their midst!!

Alice said...

Blake, we're so glad you're here.
Jennifer, you are not forgotten.