Monday, December 19, 2011

a poem for katy

photo by blake spencer

chosen by love
by william blake spencer
(in honor of the ordination of katy schneider halliburton)

a lovely story
with a simple beginning:
a young girl chosen by love.

like many before her she came to church
and discovered just how large a family could be…
just how magnificent love might grow
when people make promises
and when promises are kept.

the waters of baptism
springing to life:
one pastors nudging guidance
leading a couple to adoption…
another tall pastor with a gentle heart
proclaiming his love with a nickname…

christmas plays, and long youth trips
lessons and laughs
all reflecting the ancient story
whispered from one generation
to the next.

and with those whispers
GOD spoke again…
hovering and breathing
dreaming and creating
calling out from the wilderness
walking across the waters
saying and singing,

follow me.”

a simple story
of a young girl
growing into a young woman
and this is when I met her.

life dancing in her eyes
revealing spirit and passion.
her commitments were deep…

“i won’t drink coca cola again,
i just will not!”

and there was reason
and most likely still is
which was and is the evidence
of living what one says they believe.

one spring day
sitting on the bench near the
beautiful carved wooden doors
in the courtyard symbolizing the
garden of gethsemane
the very spot  where JESUS prayed
and cried and said,

“not my will be done,
but yours, Lord. 
your will be done.”

and the story continued with
a whisper,

“katy, i believe
you are called
to this thing called ministry.
just hear those words now
and then wait to see where
GOD might lead you.”

a simple story:
a young woman called
like many before her…

sarah and ruth,
hagar and hannah,
chloe and dorcas,
phoebe and priscilla
and now

by love
to be loved
and to love…

chosen to continue the story
to be the pages
upon which others
write their stories.

chosen to
cherish and savor
the goodness
GOD longs for all to
for all to live. 

chosen to dig
deeper into life
to listen and hear
to see and to tell
to comfort and hold
and lift up the tangible elements
that proclaim
GOD’S covenant.

so on this day
and feel
the warm and heavy grace
pulsing through the hands
of those who have
also been nurtured and sustained
by the GOD of

on this day
for you
dear one
stand upon holy ground.

breathe and dance
speak and write
the story
you have been given
through faith
and by faith. 

you are a child of GOD
called and
chosen by love.

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