Friday, October 2, 2009

God helps us! It's that time of the year...

I suppose living in the Bible Belt,
things like this should be expected.

"Oh, you say you don't have faith?"
"Well, then let them scare the Hell out of you."

That is the method of so many down this way.
Scared to faith.

Some brilliant ones came up with the Hell House concept.
People are taken through a series of scenes....escorted by a demon....
ok....a youth sponsor dressed up like a demon. The scenes show
the horror of sin. Violent scenes such as suicide, rape, murder...

Let's scare you.....then we will give you an opportunity to choose salvation with a counselor located at the end of the experience....or a person dressed up like a counselor.

Got the brochure in the mail today.
Not just any brochure.

A very expensive....multi-colored, glossy, four fold double sided brochure/poster.

Invite your "unsaved" friends the brochure tauted.
Inspire the "fringe" of your youth group.

I don't care what you say....
I don't care what theology you offer...
I don't care what you call those like me who reject such tactics.

I don't care how tight and strong your Bible belt is.
This kind of "faith" is abusive.


Bridget said...

We can spend our ministry time and energy scaring the devil out of people but that just leaves them empty. I'd rather love people 'till they are full of Jesus.

Guess I'm a liberal.

Jennifer said...

I'm with Bridget and you: fear-based faith isn't right.
I'm glad the comments are back. Hope you're feeling better.

barb said...

I'm back - and glad that you are allowing comments again!

You're comments are amazing in a BAD way. Sin is a scary thing - and people should be afraid of it - that is what Jesus was sent to earth to die on the cross for - and those who do not "accept Christ" for the payment of sins are doomed to be eternally separated from God. Yes, that is a scary thing - but, again, it is what the Bible - you know, that book that you teach from every Sunday - says.

Blake, I believe that pastors like you are ones that are going to be judged very severely by God. You are a man who professes to know the truth, yet doesn't seem to have any understanding of salvation. In addition to being astray yourself, you continue to lead others down the wrong path.

As a liberal, I am sure that you will say that my comments are about "hate" - quite the contrary. They are about love - Jesus' love. Based on what I witnessed in Richardson, I believe that you are a deeply distrubed and misguided man. My prayer for you is that you would get spritual and emotional help.

Bridget said...

Barb-read ALL of that book from Sunday morning. You will find several different "takes" on how salvation comes about. The bottom line is that God knows and we are guessing. I suspect that we will all be surprised in the end.

Janet said...

My opinion is that only GOD can judge. Pastors don't profess to know all the truth, or they shouldn't. Who truly knows the truth? All my life people like Barb kept me from church. Judging the moment I walked in. Busybodies!
Blake, it was you and Laurie who baptised me. I finally found a church home.

laughing pastor said...

All I have to say Barb(ie),

Speak your words in the light....without the showdow of anonymity!

Most anyone can profess anything in anonymity.

barb said...

That's interesting - John 3:16 - and throughout the Bible - lays out salvation pretty clear, so I am not sure why Bridget would say that many "takes" exist on salvation - actually, there aren't many takes; really only one. The bottom line is that that those who don't believe in a "born again" experience are simply not Christians. Bridget, honey, I know that these words may offend you, but these aren't my words - that's what the Bible teaches. Sadly, false pastors like Blake don't even teach salvation any longer.

Janet, honey, your comments are sad at best. You sound just as mislead as Blake, except you aren't a pastor. I don't know what particular thing you felt judged by in the church - perhaps, lifestyle, etc. - but, again, without ackowledgement of our sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior, you - and me and everyone else - are currently and will be eternally separated from God. Jesus is the only one who can clease us from our sin - and, perhaps, what you were feeling in the church was maybe conviction of your sin, rather than judgement.

As for you, Blake, you should know better. Certainly, you are not going to have perfect knowledge, but, let's face it, savation IS layed out very clearly in the Bible - but I'd expect that you also don't believe in the inerrancy of scripture, etc. Liberal pastors like yourself have moved so far away from a salvation experience that, in my opinion, render you spiritually seperated from God. Rather than boasting about 20 years in the ministry, I think that you should be concerned about how many hearts you have mislead over the years. Again, I believe that you are a deeply distrubed and misguided man. My prayer for you is that you would get spritual and emotional help.

laughing pastor said...

Barb (ie)

Again, I submit.....Anyone can profess anything in anonymity. Anonymous faith....I haven't read anything like that in the Bible.

Yes, Barb(ie) My name is Blake Spencer....I've shared that here in this space. I am not ashamed.

Why not let the blog world and for that matter the people you believe you are speaking for know who you are?

laughing pastor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bridget said...

Barb (honey)perhaps you might have more time to read all of the book if you were not so busy cyber stalking and harassing. Your view on salvation is only one of several presented in the text. I understand why you gravitate to it because you seem like someone who desperatly needs to be in control. In your view YOU have the final say on who is in and who is out. Not God.

Take a moment to reflect on John 8:7. (That's in the back half or New Testament-4th book).

If Blake is so terrible and yet you are still seeking him out on the internet and taking time to annonymously bash him let me suggest that you may be the one who needs spiritual and emotional help.

Use your real name, real photo and real bio or don't expect much respect around here.

barb said...

Bridget, honey, you still don't get it. If anyone is, it is you that espouses "hate" here - you are using the words "harassing" and "cyber stalking". That's laughable, but expected. I am simply providing my thoughts based on what God's word says. And, I can clearly see that when confronted with this kind of truth, this kind of reaction will eminate from you. I knew Blake well - and my comments are sincere.

My comments about Blake are based on three factual things: (1) his advocacy of doctrine which is not consistent with the Bible, (2) the results of what happens when this occurs - people are led astray, (3) the terrible relationships that he left in Richardson during his tenure as pastor. What else do you need, honey?

Honestly, it doesn't matter about whether I am anonymous or not - what bothers you most is the words that I speak - which are the truth. It casts a light amidst the darkness. You might try listening - you might find it quite refreshing.

Bridget said...

Anyone know where I can buy my own "Holier Than Thou Barbie"? I'd love to put her on the shelf with my "Bag of Plagues" and my "Wash away your Sins Soap"

Reverend Shawn said...

Brother Blake's message and ministry is quite consistent with the "doctrine" of the Bible ... his theology is grounded in the experience of the Gospel lived as something dynamic and ALIVE, not words in a book that is cherry picked and manipulated to oppress and exclude ...

I AM a Pastor - NO, I AM A MINISTER of the Gospel called and ordained, and if Blake and I are to be judged harshly by our God (something I personally doubt), I'll gladly stand before our God with a friend like him at my side ... and take our chances with God's gift of boundless, and UNconditional Grace !!

laughing pastor said...

I see Barbie girl no longer exists. What a shame.