Sunday, November 9, 2008

This guy eats with sinners and harlots.

There’s a small Episcopal church who had spent a great deal of time studying, and discerning what it means to follow Jesus and live as Jesus lived. Eventually they decided to have a new communion table built for their sanctuary. As do many communion tables, theirs would have words carved into the front wooden panel. Traditionally, the words displayed on communion tables are: “Do This In Remembrance Of Me” or “This Do in Remembrance of Me”.

But this church was not the typical congregation. They wanted their new communion table to symbolize the unconditional and unfathomable grace of God.

They wanted the table to not only be beautiful, they wanted it to convey a message that would be an ever present reminder that we are called…..just as the first disciples were….to love and serve not just each other but those who seem to be unlikeable and unlovable.

So when the members of that little Episcopal church came across these words in the Gospel of Luke they knew they had found the message that would serve as both a reminder to live faith and an invitation to all those who would come into their midst. The words they chose were not spoken by Jesus but by the religious leaders who were watching Jesus mingle with people they considered inappropriate.

The Pharisees spoke under their breath but loud enough for others to hear……“This guy eats with sinners and harlots” This guy….(they were talking about Jesus) This guy eats with people who don’t deserve to be in the presence of good and righteous ones like us.

That's what they wrote on thier communion table:

This guy welcomes sinners and eats with them.

On the other side of thier table they wrote:

Did not our Lord share his table with tax collectors and harlots?

Wow, what a reminder....what an invitation!


TwinB said...

This congregation serves a BIG God! Awesome

Reverend Shawn said...

I second the - AWESOME !!!


They truly do serve an enormous, Big God with Grace and LOVE for ALL !!

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