Thursday, August 28, 2008

what's the hurry?

Yesterday, I was not good at surrendering to God or anyone else. I felt a need to know my future right then and there. "I need to know God what's is and will be and I want to know now."

That's a novel approach. I didn't find out what I wanted to know. All I really did was push my self into a corner of anxiety. Today....I am more comfortable....

I don't mind the slow pace today. Time is not as long as it seems. Soon enough I will get where God wants me. Soon enough I will deal with tomorrow.

My prayer is that God help me to cherish today. Lord, help me do that.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

I found myself praying "Please give me patience, and hurry up!" - I hope it made the recipient smile as much as the sender! Love your blog - greetings from far away Wales