Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Low Pressure Theology

An illustration that stuck with me today in my Doctor of Ministry class was spoken by Joe from Georgia. We were talking about the Holy Spirit....where does the Spirit move, what does the Spirit do? That sort of thing.

He spoke of low pressure weather systems and related it to the movement of the Holy Spirit.

First, the definition of a low pressure weather system:

A low pressure area, or "low", is a region where the atmospheric pressure is lower in relation to the surrounding area. Tropical storms, extratropical cyclones, subpolar cyclones, and subarctic cyclones are called low-pressure cells.

Lows are frequently associated with stronger winds and atmospheric lift. This lift will generally produce cloud cover through adiabatic cooling, once the air becomes saturated as it rises. Thus, low pressure typically brings cloudy or overcast skies, which may minimize diurnal temperature extremes in both summer and winter.

Second, the movement of the Spirit.....an idea worth thinking about:

If wind blows where the pressure is low, then why doesn't the Spirit blow where there are lows.

We are low when we are lonely, lost, angry, afraid......this is where the Spirit blows.

We are low when we are quiet, meditative, still...........this is where the Spirit blows.

Where the Spirit blows there is God welcoming us with comforting arms, opening the way for words of confession, leading us to forgiveness
, nudging, sometimes pushing us to new life.

Low pressure theology. I like it.

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