Monday, October 8, 2007

called to live with others....

My daughter said something extremely honest the other week. She takes after me. She spent five years of her life in Karate and in the 5th grade received her black belt. Karate is an individual sport for the most part. She learned to keep on trying even when she didn't think she had one more ounce of energy, and to respect her coach even when she wanted to do other wise.

My daughter is now playing volleyball. Team sports is an entirely different challenge for her. Often doing your best when your team mates aren't.... means you still fail. She told me after a game...."You know, I wish volleyball was a one on one sport. I would do so much better without the attitudes of my team mates."

I've thought the same thing when it comes to church. O.k. it's not realistic to have a church without people. What I'm saying is that I wish I could make decisions on my own. I know I wouldn't be right every time....but I would not have to deal with the antics of other people.

At the same time, I think Jesus knew what he was doing when he told us that we were called and expected to live in community with each other. Though it is hard....we still have the opportunity to help and be helped.


Bridget said...

From time to time we all want to leave the herd. When we are in those moments we are being a bit arrogant-seeing only the good that we bring to community and only the bad that others bring. I think I'll stick to living with the 'baggage' of community too. Even when the community is less than perfect it offsets some of my own short-fallings.

laughing pastor said...

Well said it all. Ouch the truth hurts. But I came to that conclusion too. My sinful side loves to be arrogant and doesn't last long...I always go back to the herd!