Is this really news you ask?
Depends on who you ask I suppose.
Along this journey called ministry
I have received a number of comments concerning my attire.
"I wish you didn't wear brown pants on Sunday
morning. You should wear black pants. When you
put on your pulpit robe the brown just doesn't look good."
"Your shirt is so bilious."
That is the color of bile....spit up.....if you don't know!
"Don't wear that shirt again."
Never mind that shade of green
happened to be the "in" color
of the season that year.
I once worked with a Senior Pastor
who kept a chart of what I wore.
At the time I was the
Youth and Children's Minister
and on many occasions a
dress shirt and tie was not appropriate.
My old Senior Minister
thought I should wear a tie at all times.
"Your stole is crooked, that tie is silly, I don't
like the color of your pulpit robe."
Too say the least there have been
an abundance of opinions as to what I
So today I wore my new purple shirt
because I like it.
I preached in my new purple shirt...
and not one person offered a
I suppose it matters who you preach for.
I suppose the church I currently serve
is ok with
a preacher
in a purple shirt.
Suppose this is yet
another tangible
gift of grace....
grace big enough
for healing and joy.
I understand the fact that I wore a purple
shirt is not news for many people.....
but for me....and a few others I know....
this is not only news....it is good news.
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