But when they come
what is a pastor to do?
It's really not that difficult.
Children are like adults.
In other words,
children want the same things adults do.
When children ask a question they want an answer.
When children hear that they are welcome
they expect to be able to participate.
When children are invited
to come forward in worship
they expect
to be respected,
and appreciated.
Children like adults
don't like to be pointed out or at...
don't like to be told to be quiet...
don't like to be pushed aside, ignored...
and never desire to be patronized!
Children like adults
sometimes interrupt....
sometimes ask irrelevant questions...
sometimes make noise.
There is
no getting around it!
Jesus said,
"Let the children come."
The church has no choice but to
let the children come!
Let the children come but
don't lead them out of the sanctuary
first chance you get!
Let the children stay...
don't seclude them in
a sealed off room!
Let the children come...
but for gosh sakes....
let every child know
he or she is
and loved.
If a child asks a question
answer the question on the spot!
If a gift of song, or dance,
or drawing is offered
accept it on the spot with
genuine gratitude.
If an invitation is offered
then by all means receive
those who come with joy.
Don't point at a child.
Don't ignore their questions or gifts.
Don't squelch their energy or imagination.
patronize a child!
If we remember what we want as adults.
Then we know what children want.
Let the children come.
And if you have too....
then get ready!
Be prepared!
Don't blame your
inability to plan
or think on the spot
on anyone but yourself.
Unlike adults,
come forward when asked!
Unlike adults,
children sing with
run when asked to come,
and participate with eagerness.
If you say you want the children to come...
then do your homework!
be prepared to be surprised!
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