My mailbox is filling up.....
the one on my porch
and the one on my screen.
General Assembly is coming.
Moderators nominated.
Overtures in place.
And the opinions are
flying as they do year after year.
I don't know about you...
but this incessant
ecclesiastical tug of war
we continue to play
looks and feels and smells
an awful lot like
one more episode of
Flash backs.
Flash fowards.
Flash sideways.
I wonder though...
is our character
Questions don't
seem to be our issue.
We're bogged down
in all our answers.
We have too many
so many answers we
can't find our way!
How many times must
we draw the line in the sand
before we topple?
And yet,
why do we think
this latest episode of turmoil
will be our last?
From the very beginning
we (the church)
have been clamoring
and threatening
and arguing
and fretting.
Of course I have my own
opinions and convictions.
Of course I rely on some
of the answers offered,
most everyone does.
Even those who make up
the vast middle of the church
eventually vote one way or the other.
the vote.
This we are united in:
How many more times
must we vote?!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
General Assembly is coming.
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