Friday, September 18, 2009

from tomb to resurrection...

Really all that is necessary for some....ok.....many Presbyterian churches to experience RESURRECTION is the courage to let new people in the church.
Oh we say we want new people, young families, children.
We pray....
We moan....
We fret....
We remember when....
And then when it actually happens...
When a teenager speaks up at a Session meeting and asks the Pastor to teach her and three others in the church on Sunday mornings....we don't recognize this request as Resurrection. Instead, we complain about what they wear and how they don't care.
When a young family shows up for worship with young children who wiggle and make noise...we don't recognize this as Resurrection. We complain about the noise and we say things like, "Well, they do come to worship but they don't come to Sunday School...."
When a pastor recognizes potential and offers an idea....we don't see this as Resurrection we complain how unrealistic the idea sounds.
Oh, we want youth, vitality, energy, ideas and all the things of Resurrection....but when it shows up in the middle of our lives we hunker down, hold on to what was, and say things like, "But...and What if..."
Resurrection will not take place until we take the first step and change our vocabulary. How simple is that? Is that too much to ask? Too much to expect? It does not cost the church one cent to CHANGE our vocabulary.
However, in the end.....many of our people.....many of our churches may not be interested in Resurrection. They may just prefer the depths of the tomb where they can be left alone.


Anonymous said...

There does not seem to be too much laughter coming from the "Laughing Pastor" these days. I pray that might change for you.

laughing pastor said...

Oh....Vern there is plenty of laughter in my laugh....long awaited laughter. I am called to say these things with hope that laughter will return to the church! That's what I really want!!!