Wednesday, August 26, 2009

filthy rich

A definition of Filthy Rich: Very rich, possibly having become so by unfair means.
Learned a little history of a few folks who once lived in the town I am currently residing. One man is a banker. He built the house one block away from me. This is that house:

He was one of a number of bankers here in the late 1800's. It seems his bank offered an incentive that caused a scandal. Perhaps his customers didn't read the fine print when they chose his bank:

On a certain day at a certain time

I will take your money,

in fact....

all the money in my bank

and move to Mexico.

Sure enough on a certain day at a certain time this banker took all the money in his bank and moved to Mexico. He lived there until the statute of limitations concerning his offense expired. At that time he had the audacity to move back here and open an Insurance Company. His business was successful too!

The next couple were a little less crooked but ruthless in thier dealings. A certain woman was traveling west to find a new place to live during the civil war. Her husband, still living in the north-east, contacted his wife and told her that the war had ended. That was good news for them. He informed his wife to travel to a town were they had not heard the news of the wars ending. "When you get there buy as much land as you can with your Confederate money", he told her. She landed here in Central Texas.....not far from former President Bush's Ranch.

Once again people were not made aware of the fine print:

The good news is that I will buy your land for a very good price.

The bad news is that you will soon know what I know today.

The war is over and the Confederate money

I buy your land with will be worthless....

but I will still have your land.

A definition of Filthy Rich.

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