Wow! This Los Angeles building bearing Walt Disney's name is totally amazing. What an experience to walk in and out of the nooks and crannies. These are the beginning photos of a series I will share from my recent trip to L.A.
The trip in a nutshell was "interesting". This descriptions implies that every emotion was experienced. The weird thing is that my 2 week venture into the depths of L.A. ended up being more like a silent, reflective retreat. Go figure!
I walked an average of 6 to 8 miles every day but two. Each step I took I realized was a gif from God. I seem to have a lot of stuff to walk out of my system. Tomorrow morning (Tues. Aug. 11) I will stand before a judge and hear the words that will make my divorce final. I thought I was better prepared for this occassion, but I am not. Thanks to good friends and a loving family I have found comfort tonight.
My walking trip in L.A. gave me some insights that I will share with you as well as some amazing photos.
cool ... I know where you WERE ... I watched Get Smart !!!!
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welcome back.
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