Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Have you taken a look at the Helsinki Complaints Choir on YOU TUBE? So funny. So now I've been inspired to create an ALL CHURCH COMPLAINTS CHOIR. Here are the beginning complaining lyrics:

It's so cold in the Sanctuary. It is entirely too hot.
The sermon is too long. We don't like the hymns.
There's no more paper towels in the rest room. The custodian didn't clean well.
I hate the communion bread.
Who changed the order of worship?
The minister is entirely to cute!
The person in the pew behind me snores.
It's too's too hot!

the following offered by a friend:

"there was gum under my pew and it got on my dress,
do you reimburse cleaning bills?

I accidentally put a $20 in the collection plate

instead of a $5, can I get $15 back, please?

I think we should be charitable to the poor,

but do they have to sit in the same pews as we do?

Can we change the service time

(1)I don't like to get up that early;
(2) services are too late and interfere
with Cowboy season tickets.

Can you just upload the services on;
and I'll watch at my convenience- after all,
I do God at my convenience."

We need more lyrics, a tune and a choir!

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