Friday, July 24, 2009

another afternoon with Bonhoeffer...

Artwork by Colby Jones.
The three colors correspond
with the German flag.

It seems I never grow tired of spending time with Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
It seems our world forever needs words like those of Bonhoeffer.
It seems we are always in need of an example of what it means to take the risk to live our faith in the face of injustice.
It seems.
Bonhoeffer and many others like him
took life losing risks to speak and live
the truth of the Gospel story,
the Christ way.
It seems faith is really not an invitation to a life of comfort and ease.
It seems the Christ way has much more to accomplish than pleasant moments of worship and fellowship.
It seems you and I are called to lose life rather than to gain it.
It seems.
It seems those with power in Bonhoeffer's day did not like what he had to say.
It seems not much has changed when it comes to power.
It seems we still have much to lose when it comes to living what we say we believe.
It seems.

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