Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm not leaving. I'm staying!

I stand in a long line of
faithful folks
who have chosen to stay.

When the old southern strand of the church
began talking with the old northern strand of the church
to negotiate re-union
after hundreds of years of
because of the Civil War...
because of different opinions concerning slavery...
because of racism...
I remain thankful
that I stand in a line of
faithful folks
who chose to stay.
I can't help but believe...
God was pleased.

Then the church
after many years of prayer
and study
and debate
affirmed the calling of
women into the ordained office
of Elder and Pastor
and I stand in a line of
faithful folks
who chose to stay.
I can't help but believe...
God was pleased.

And the church
has done it again....
has faithfully prayed
and studied
and debated
and voted
and the way has opened
for gay children of God
to serve the church.
I will once again stand with
faithful people who
choose to stay.
And I can't help
but believe
God is pleased.

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