Monday, October 4, 2010

we cannot live by bread alone...

Jesus In the Bread Line

World Wide Communion just passed.
We cannot live on bread alone
we say
and mostly we in America
will never have to find out if this
statement is true.

We can't live on bread alone
but they did
and many do.

No butter to spread
no wine before dinner
no fast food
left overs.

We are
to overflowing.

And I wonder....
is it enough?

Are we full enough?
And if we are....
why is it
we continue to search for
something better.
And if we aren't....
why is it we
often search for the wrong thing?

So Lord,
we wait
and you wait with us.
Some of us hunger for crusty thick bread to fill our stomachs.
Some of us starve for justice and peace.

Lord we wait,
wait with us.

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