Saturday, April 17, 2010

snap shots

tiny white flowers
growing under the giant flowers of color

In seasons such as this...
we get a momentary glimpse of perfection
and we want it to stick around.

We want it to become a forever reality.
This is the true beauty of God's creation.....
hints of the Garden of Eden
remain tucked away here and there.
Throughout our lives
we bump into the Garden....
and when we do....
we not only stand in awe of the utter beauty....
we want to stay.

We want to pitch our tents once and for all.

But it seems that time
has not yet come for you or me.
Though God graciously gives us a glimpse
of what is to come....
we remain on a journey...
a journey requiring us to live into the next day....
into the next moment of reality.

But do you see what God has done for us.
We get to journey
with our pockets filled
with snapshots of glory divine....
glimpses of paradise at our finger tips...
so that we might not ever forget whose we are.

We belong to God in life and in death.
We belong to God.....who created all things.

1 comment:

Sarah Parrott said...

Beautiful photos and words, as always.