Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A matter of keeping...

photo by Blake Spencer

Keep moving,
keep talking,
keep worrying wildly.
Keep planning,
keep running
from one task to the next.

Keep it up.
Keep doing all those things

keep your
brain and heart
occupied, busy,

Keep it up
to keep certain things out.
Keep it up
to keep certain ones quiet.
Keep it up.

Keeping busy
with your hands and minds
keeps God at distance.

Keep pushing and building
and hiding and holding and
demanding and all the things
you love to keep.

Eventually though
all your keeping
must slow,
must stop,
must sleep....
and when this happens
God has a chance,
a sliver of a chance,
to speak, to
whisper, to sing.

From time to time
we must stop
all our keeping...
keeping up,
keeping out.

But if we don't
is that moment....
in the middle of the night
in the middle of sleep
when God will have
chance to speak.

In that moment when
we can't keep all our
keeping up
and keeping out...

God will seep in
with a whisper,
with a a word,
with a song...
nudging us,
inviting us:

Let go.


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