Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baptism of the Lord Sunday....and... UPDATED

I've just finished leading worship on this Baptism of the Lord Sunday. Now I sit sequestered in my office while an honorably retired minister moderates the annual congregational meeting. Rev. Brown is moderating the portion of the meeting that deals with my salary. In the Presbyterian Church the congregation votes on the pastor's salary.

This is my least favorite day of the year. I sit in this office knowing full well I am the topic of the moment. I sit here knowing that I must walk back into the sanctuary and lead the remainder of the meeting. I sit here knowing that everyone but me will know what has just transpired.

This is my least favorite part of being Presbyterian. Surely salaries could be determined in a more humane way. What other profession has thier salary established by vote? There are probably others....but how many of them must endure a moment like the one I am expereincing right now.

After offering this post I will be left to wait....all by myself. I'll wait for the knock on my door so that I can walk back into that sanctuary. Yipeee!

So the full meeting lasted 3 full hours. Can you believe it? I can't. The presentation of the budget and discussion of my salary lasted 1 and 1/2 hours. No one has to tell me what was said. Those who critique my work are like broken records. I've heard it all before and I know they said their broken record mantra for the whole congregation to hear. In the end they approved my salary......which was an important year for me. After nearly 5 years I finally make the standard salary for this area and this size church. It took a 35% raise to get me there.

For some the adjustment was overwhelming. I would remind them that it has been overwhelming for me and my family to have worked 4 years $20 thousand dollars below the average. Today the congregation did the right thing.


kg said...

It does strike me as inhumane, and no, I wouldn't like it.
Our church does it slightly different (ELCA). The church counsel votes on salary and benefits for the coming year at their meeting (which the pastor is at). A committe has met ahead of time to bring forth the proposal, and then there can be group discussion of that and all parts of the budget.
Then it is all published and brought out at the annual meeting for the final vote. That is usually without discussion. Annual meeting is presided over by the congregational president, the pastor gets to come offer prayer and then sit back/support the president.
This is what we are up to now too.
Hope that you recieve a solid vote of affirmation! (from your congregation as well as the LORD)
And you have a vote of affirmation from out here too!

TwinB said...

you ROCK!

Fat Doctor said...

Does this mean you will be buying me that new sports car you've been promising?

Congrats - must be nice to know you are finally earning what you've been worth all these years. Well, I'd say average salary isn't really what you're worth, but it's a step in the right direction.

Jennifer said...

God bless you, LP.
I'm sorry you had to go through hell and treated without dignity so that the congregation would make the right decision.
Good for you, and good for them.