Thursday, December 11, 2008

who me?

Sometimes a message is heard...
Only thing not everyone listens!

Were those words for me?
They were for all of us, but dear
you've already heard and listened.

The fact that you are pondering the words
and applying them
to your words and actions
proves the message was not

for you.

Here's a secret....some pastors don't
want you to know...

First, the message is for the pastor!
After all, God first speaks to the heart,
mind, soul, and conscience of the pastor.

A good pastor will admit they wrestled with God....
Personally wrestled with God over the very
lesson that flows out of the his/her mouth.

Second, God is speaking to others.
Will they hear?
Sometimes not.
Because they attribute the words
to the pastor rather than God.

I suppose it is easier to justify not
listening to the pastor.

The alternative is refusing to hear God!

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