Saturday, September 13, 2008

Yikes Ike!

A storm the size of Texas. All one can do is sit and wait. Of course those who heard the warning on Galveston Island that to stay meant sure death were wise to have evacuated. Sadly many did not. The news will tell their fate.

My mom and dad don't live right on the coast....but near enough and were on what they call the bad side of the storm. Four or five trees in their yard have been destroyed.....trees I've known all my life. That makes me sad....yet broken limbs and trunks seem nothing to the many who lost everything.

Ike wasn't as strong as other storms....he was just so darn big.....proof that bigger is not always better.

Prayers for all those who suffer today. In the coming days we may have an opportunity to bring our prayers alive with our wallets, and hands.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

It's a quiet sunny Sunday morning here in Wales and I am sitting with coffee watching the sunlight on the trees and thinking how I know these trees like the countours of the hand that holds my coffee cup. It is hard to imagine what is going on for the people you mention. Love to you all