Saturday, April 19, 2008

movie review @ laughingpastor

My daughter, mother and I went to see Leatherheads, George Clooney's latest flick. Quite enjoyable despite the rather large woman who sat two seats to my right and dug around her popcorn bag until I wanted to tackle her. My daughter told me to cool it, that I was interrupting her more than the woman rustling in her popcorn bag. I might as well have been sitting next to my mother who used to pinch my leg if I made too much noise in church. If my dad had gone he would have been right there with me. We would have team tackled the woman. Only thing....that woman might have clobbered us.

Oh well, back to the movie. I found a fine mixture of football, relationships and scandal. Always been a fan of Renee Zellweger. I love the setting of the late 20's. It reminds me of my best friend. We always say he was born in the wrong era. He was meant to be alive in the roaring 20's. The hat he bought last time I was with him would wear well in this movie. His wife hates the hat. I thought it was very much him.

O.k. I stink at movie reviews. Basically I liked the movie. My wife will tell you that I become the movie that I am watching.....that is... if it is decent. I became the movie today. Well worth the few bucks and the gasoline it costs to go see it. Better yet wait for the dvd and you won't have to sit by that loud person eating popcorn.

I say wife starts talking the minute a movie begins. She loves to tell us who is married to who in real life, who is dating who, who played in another movie....on and on and on. She doesn't talk as much in the movie theatre.

Enjoy a movie and let me know what you thought about it!

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