Sunday, April 20, 2008

chairs and stones won't hurt me!

I currently have seven artists who have agreed to paint some of our old wooden Sunday school chairs. The Boy Scouts who meet at our church sanded and primed the chairs. Now my artists will bring them alive with Bible stories and events. From Creation to Easter, the woman at the well and Jesus' Baptism.

Each chair will tell part of the Gospel story. When finished the story chairs will be used in worship and will eventually hang on a wall ala Shaker style somewhere in the church. Don't worry. I'll show you pictures!

It was interesting to preach about the stoning of Stephen with Stephen sitting in the Sanctuary. Our Stephen is an Elder in the church. I saw him flinch a few times as I preached. When members of the church got up to bring stones to the communion table during the prayer of confession I thought our Stephen was going to run away! But he didn't.

Of all Sundays to preach about the stoning of Stephen. The children's choir sang. The sanctuary was full of children. I typically love when this happens, but telling the story of a man getting stoned to death is not easy to do with so many little ones. I didn't realize the children were singing this Sunday.

We had a lot of movement in the Sanctuary today. Little ones left multiple times to go to the restroom, one preschooler had a melt down, a teenager got up to leave and come back in, an older woman got up and left, someones hearing aide went haywire, lots of coughing, and several people dropped things. I thought about throwing a few of those stones from the table! (That's a joke!) But it was a challenge to preach to such a fidgety congregation.

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