Friday, March 14, 2008

new directions for leadership in the church: part one

I've been busy reading books and articles concerning the future of the church. In particular the leadership that has been in place in the church for the past 50 years is no longer effective. Here are some thoughts from others as to what leadership will look like in the future:

Len Hjalmarson writes: Insetead of the Lone Ranger, we have Frodo: the Clint Eastwoods and Sylvester Stallones are replaced by ordinary people. Frodo, Aragorn and Neo (the Matrix) are self-questioning types who rely on those around them for strength, clarity and purpose. Indeed, while they have a sense of the need and a willingness to sacrifice themselves, they may not even know the first step on the journey. "I will carry the Ring to Mordor....though I do not know the way."

When church leaders fail to engage the postmodern moment, they risk becoming isolated from the culture they live in.....Instead leaders must listen to the tolling of the bell that indicates the passing of the modern world, and not ask for whom the bell tolls.

What are some of the elements of postmodern leadership in the church?
Tune in for part two later...


Reverend Shawn said...

I think the point of THAT is that even Frodo in not knowing the way, and seeking the help and support of those around him, NEVER lost the singular vision of I will take the ring there ...

Along the way, he was also betrayed and abused by those he trusted as friend ... but his true friend stuck by him, and in the end - saved HIM and allowed him to complete the quest ...

Powerful metaphors of ministry and leadership ... they fit nicely with Freidman don't you think???

***my precious***

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