Friday, January 4, 2008

my world went upside down

This past Wednesday I began my Doctor of Ministry journey. I had done some preliminary reading and written a few papers and felt as if I were more than ready for the journey. And then I sat down with my fellow students and realized that I had sorely misunderstood the agenda. The first session involves TWO classes. I thought it only involved one! The class that was off my radar had work that I was to be doing before showing up on Wednesday. On top of a 30 day journal I was to have read two books. Even though I had already read three books and written three papers....I found out I was way behind. I literally got sick. I made myself sick.

Last night I had to read two books and write a paper. Thankfully the books were only 135 pages each and the paper was a personal reflection. The paper I knew I could do. The reading......well I'm a slow reader.

Today.....I am here to say I completed my work and am ready to get caught up this weekend. I did better than I expected.

School was always difficult for me. I haven't been in school for about 20 years. The re-entry had turbulence to say the least.....but I made it through and tonight I can say I enjoyed it.

I won't be here as much this coming week and the next. I have classes every day and multiple papers to write. These first two classes are tough....but hey my next class is called the "Spirituality of Young Adults: Speed Dating".


My Own Woman said...

Good luck in school!

Reverend Shawn said...

You'll be fine ... if our exchanges are any indication you could be teaching the damned course (and you SHOULD) ... have faith in yourself and know that life's lessons have taught you well.