but for the moment they are
stuck in my camera.
The pictures will prove
what my words will describe.
For now
my words
must suffice.
I've spent a great deal of my life in Texas.
Because I've lived in other states
and traveled outside the country...
I am quite aware of
the stereotypes and myths
used to describe Texas.
Sure some are valid...
but none of them tell the whole story.
But this is not a post about Texas.
It is a post about New Jersey.
When I shared with folks
that I would travel to
New Jersey
their expressions
and adjectives
shall we say expressive.
Why would you go to a place like that?
Don't you know about New Jersey?
Haven't you heard about the people who live there?
New Jersey?
I've heard all
the stereotypes
and myths
about New Jersey.
I also fully intended to encounter
what people told me to expect.
And yet....
what I really found out
was the same thing I know
about the state I live in.
Not everything
is as people say it is.
Stay tuned and
journey with me
to a land that
(like the land I live in)
gets a bad rap.
Hey, I'm the Jersy guy who sat next to on your trip back to Texas. Just waiting to see what you write about N.J.
Sorry, JERSEY has two E's
Hey Frank! Thanks for visiting. I'll write more about New JErsEy when I get my pics uploaded. Really enjoyed our visit.
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